Biodiversity starts in the distant past and it points toward the future.

Habitat Loss


About Habitat Loss


As you all do know, habitat loss is when an organism loses its home.

If you remember about the poor bees…

And the reason why I strongly do not encourage people to randomly cut down a healthy forest of trees is because when you do that, not only the strong and healthy forest of tress are destroyed, but so are the organisms living in those trees.

Trees are homes to many animals (squirrels, chipmunks), birds (crows, ravens, woodpeckers) and insects. But when they lose their home, this is called habitat loss.

I mean, how would you feel if you were a blue jay and suddenly, the tree you were living on just fell? Scared, worried, sad. Of course, blue jays are cold blooded but that’s not the point here.


What We Can Do to Reduce Habitat Loss


I want to make a sanctuary for animals, plants, and insects by turning my backyard into a wildlife area. Firstly, I would stop mowing the grass. Grass is one of the only organisms that grow back although their heads get chopped off, but remember, MOST PLANTS do not grow back after being cut. If we do this, we can let the wind blow seeds onto the grass and you’ll eventually find more diversity there, and therefore as well creating habitat for organisms.

Next, I would buy lots of seeds – blackberry, raspberry, sunflowers, lazy susans, and other plants that lure animals to my backyard. We need to let the animals know that our backyards are eco-friendly and it can be used as their new homes.

If you have a tree in your backyard, try making a birdfeeder out of scratch and then tying the birdfeeder on one of the tree branches. (Birds are important too!)

Soon, you would find so many different species of organisms in your backyard! Try digging a hole and filling it with water. After a while, the rainwater fills the hole and creates a miniature river for the animals.

If you live in an apartment… you can try telling the owner of the apartment about that idea. I had a classmate once who did that, and trust me, it worked.

Please help save the plants and animals and other organisms from habitat loss.


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